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Results for "keyword: "life review""
Crazy Wisdom An interview with Rabbi Rami Shapiro about his e-course on the crazy wisdom of the ancient Hasidic rebbes and how they speak to our times.
Contemplative Writing 52 emails (a year's worth) with prompts and ways to practice writing reflectively.
Poetry to Lift Your Spirits A month's worth of poems celebrating an upwelling of life and spirit.
Seven Keys to an Innovative Life Improv, storytelling, integrating opposites, and other tools to live a more flexible life.
Protestant Spirituality Essays and suggestions exploring a toolkit of practices from the major Protestant traditions.
As It Is: Spiritual Journaling Guidance on using spiritual journaling to explore interior, interpersonal, social, and sacred realities.
Poetry to Nourish the Soul A month's worth of poems to deepen your sense of peace, balance, love, and joy.
The Mystery of Death An exploration for these pandemic times of a mystical text that restores the big picture around death.
The Tao Te Ching as a Path and a Practice Commentary on Tao passages highlighting key themes and personal applications of the wisdom.
Centering Prayer Teachings about a no-frills form of meditation which reconnects directly to Christianity’s hidden treasury of mystical wisdom.